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While you can specify the machine type or manufacturer of an operating system through configuration files or automatic metadata detection, if the system firmware does notsupport these features, then you have to load it manually. However,whenever you load a system from a disk, you must tell GRUB the position ofthe kernel on the disk. To do that, you must specify the “kernel file”,which is the operating system kernel itself, and the “root directory”,which is the root directory of the operating system. To be more specific, the“root directory” is the directory where GRUB is located. GRUB is the “boot loader”, which is the program that is responsible for booting the system
The default location of GRUB is the “stage 2” directory of the bootrecord on the MBR partition. Here, the “boot record” is the first pieceof data on the disk that contains information on where to find thesystem’s kernel, and the “MBR” refers to the Master Boot Recordor “bootable disk signature”: a record containing information aboutthe disk’s partitions. To be more specific, the GRUB “boot record” is thefirst 512 bytes on the disk, and the GRUB “stage 2” directory is onelevel lower and another 512 bytes on. The stage 1 directory is no biggerthan the stage 2 directory, so you can say that the GRUB “stage1” directory as 256 bytes, or roughly a quarter of a megabyte onmost disks. The “boot record” is the record between the stage 1 and stage 2directory. The “bootable disk signature” is the 512-byte record at thebeginning of the disk. The concept of “stage 1” and “stage 2” is anabstraction, since the actual locations on the disk (or even the separationsof the directories) vary depending on the system, and the partitionsetup.
© 2003 / document.getElementById('copyright').appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().getFullYear())) - Pascal BrachetTexmaker : original LaTeX editor since 2003 by the creator of KileThis program is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.Note : This program is the "authentic" Texmaker editor and there is strictly no relationship between this original program developed since 2003 and another latex editor, not compatible with Texmaker, which pretends to be based on Texmaker to trick users. d2c66b5586