The Savoy Cocktail Book
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Originally published by Constable in 1930, the Savoy Cocktail Book features 750 of the Savoy's most popular recipes. It is a fascinating record of the cocktails that set London alight at the time - and which are just as popular today. Taking you from Slings to Smashes, Fizzes to Flips, and featuring art deco illustrations, this book is the perfect gift for any budding mixologist or fan of 1930s-style decadence and sophistication. Updated with a new introduction and recipes from The Savoy.
Finalist for the 2018 International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) Book Awards The definitive guide for those devoted to the brunchtime classic, the Bloody Mary, with 50 recipes for making cocktails at home.The Bloody Mary is one of the most universally-loved drinks. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and beyond, there simply isn't a wrong time for a Bloody.
The cocktail is as old as the nation that invented it, yet until this entertaining and authoritative account, its story had never been fully told. William Grimes traces the evolution of American drink from the anything-goes concoctions of the Colonial era to the frozen margarita, spiking his meticulously researched narrative with arresting details, odd facts, and colorful figures.
Crockett was a prominent journalist, writer and publicist. He contributed many observations on New York City nightlife during Prohibition, especially regarding the social life of the Waldorf-Astoria. This collection provides 500 cocktail recipes served at the Waldorf and is one of the first post-Prohibition books of its kind.
Fancy a Savoy DrinkIn 2010, the Savoy Hotel finished a major renovation, and the newly redone American Bar still boasts the Craddock playbook, as well as new inventions for a new time. Should you happen to visit, tell Justin and Swani that we sent you.
Synonymous with style, elegance and sophistication, the Savoy is unsurprisingly also the birthplace of some of the most famous cocktails in the world. During the 1920s and '30s, prohibition-dodging Americans visiting London for tea-dances and \"mixed drinks\" (cocktails), made the bar at the Savoy their home.
[CRADDOCK, Harry; Savoy Hotel London]. The Savoy Cocktail Book. Being a Compendium of Cocktails, Sours, Flips, Toddies, Coolers, Smashes, Daisies, Highballs, Egg Noggs, Tom Collins, Sangarees, Punches, Cobblers, Rickeys, Juleps, Slings, Shrubs, Fizzes, Frappé, Fixes & Cups. London: Constable, 1959.Fourth edition. Cloth-bound. Hardcover with original dust jacket. Small octavo (190 x 125 x 20 mm). Pp. 204. English text. The cocktail recipes in this book have been compiled by Harry Craddock of the Savoy Hotel London, whilst his successor, Johnny Johnson, included additional recipes. Nicolas Bentley drew the pictures and Peter Goffin designed the cover. Bound in publisher's original decorative cloth covers with matching dust jacket. Printed endpapers. Half-title present. Includes a preface and historical note. Printed in Great Britain by Partridge & Love Ltd. Condition: VERY GOOD. Binding tight, secure and square. Covers and interior very clean
London, Constable & Company, 1930. 8vo. Black cloth spine with gilt lettering and illustrated gold paper covered boards, front board with the iconic Art Deco-illustration of the cocktail-drinking man. With magnificent Art Deco-illustrations in colour throughout and illustrated end-papers. As usual, wear to extremities - capitals a bit worn and edges of boards with nicks and bumping. Front board with surcface-wear to outer corners and edges. Internally very nice and clean. Small pencil marks at some of the coctails and with extensive, contemporary (dated 1939) pencil notes to the note-leaves at the back (intended for this purpose) and to the final leaf containing additional coctail-recipes, all named (eg. High Line, Homecoming Special, Major Call etc.). An interesting and charming copy. 287 pp.
First edition of this iconic Art Deco-publication, the most important cocktail book ever published. This foundational work of modern culture, made up of the recipes by Harry Craddock, the greatest barman ever to have lived, completely revolutionized the drinking scene and is still in print today. This classic of cocktail drinking remains unsurpassed, both in its contents and in its artistic form.
In 1930, the United States was still subject to Prohibition (though the more creative, daring, or rebellious may not have felt quite so burdened). More than a few American bartenders, cocktail barmen, and mixologists (yes, this was a word then and even as early as the 1850s!) took off for more inviting locales, including Harry Craddock, who left for England in 1920. He quickly settled at the American Bar in the Savoy Hotel, London. In 1930, he published The Savoy Cocktail Book, filled with original and compiled recipes. (The book also includes an extensive section on wines, but there is enough there for another post!)
There are a lot of things I (archivist/blogger/foodie/amateur cocktail slinger Kira) like about cocktails: the entertainment value, the names (which usually have a whole other explanation), and wondering just how a list of ingredients ends up tasting like what is does (often something quite surprising). Some of them even taste good! The Savoy Cocktail Book has some wonderful examples of all these things.
The second part of Part I includes recipes for classic early cocktails: interrelated families of fizzes, coolers, rickeys, daisies, fixes, smashes, cobblers, slings, flips, collinses, and sours. The small differences between some of these (whether or not the citrus peel stays in the glass, whether you add club soda or no, and just how much sweet or sour is added) account for the varied names. Several as single serving versions of the punches that were rapidly going out of style (though Craddock has recipes for those, too!) by the 1920s, if not sooner.
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General Research Division, The New York Public Library. \"The Savoy cocktail book; new and enlarged edition with many drinks for special occasions.\" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1933. -49a7-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99
General Research Division, The New York Public Library. \"The Savoy cocktail book; new and enlarged edition with many drinks for special occasions.\" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed March 31, 2023. -49a7-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99
A rare first edition hardcover Savoy Cocktail Book by author Harry Craddock Circa 1930s. A epic compendium of classic cocktails with Art Deco color illustrations by Gilbert Rumbold. Mix slings, smashes, and more obscure cocktail recipes with the libation knowledge contained within this literary staple of mixology.
Get Cocktail Fundamentals, our bi-weekly ingredient deep dive newsletter. Make amazing cocktails with the ingredients youhave in your kitchen already. Inspiration and ideas for makers of every ability.
In 1930, the hotel published The Savoy Cocktail Book, which Craddock had compiled and would grow into an icon for its swank deco design and sophisticated drink recipes. (It became an essential reference book for the modern cocktail revival 70 years later.) Craddock is also credited with inventing the once-popular White Lady Cocktail (gin, Cointreau, lemon juice) and for setting a lofty standard that other London hotel bars sought to achieve. 59ce067264