Plant Physiology Taiz And Zeiger 5th Edition Pdf 151
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The combined analysis of the 14 cowpea genotypes showed that after 12 d of suspension of the water supply, with a soil gravimetric moisture of 15.24% (45.34% of the moisture at field capacity) and a soil water potential of -0.7 MP a, A, gs and E decreased (Tab.1). The plants showed a deviation of physiology before water stress, since the average net photosynthesis decreased 55.08%, stomatal conductance 41.2% and transpiration, 39.02%, suggesting that stomatal regulation was the biggest limitation of photosynthesis (Singh and Reddy, 2011). At the same time, the intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/ gs) increased nearly 100%, from a soil water potential of -0.75 Mpa and soil gravimetric moisture content of 14.90%. Simultaneously, the leaf temperature and vapor pressure deficit (VPD ) increased 6.8% and 8.18%, respectively, due to stomatal closure (Salah and Tardieu, 1997; Tardieu and Simonneau, 1998). 153554b96e